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Underground Horror

my very first short movie | 2013 & 2016

Berengaria, the first ever hotel in Cyprus, used to be so majestic that it was called 'the Hotel of Kings'. But such glorious years have passed away and darker ones made place, as the erection got abandoned under certain circumstances befogged by gaunt legend. Since then, the hotel owes its reputation to human curiosity and fear of the Unknown, embodied by a place of dim emptiness and alarming silence. 

By this short movie of eight minutes (2013), I wanted to establish a memorial of this haunted house that can no longer be visited due to the danger of collapsing. This was my very first attempt of shooting and editing a film, and it was prepared in two weeks with a poorish quality of filming set - that actually enhances the desired mood.

My superstitious friends expressed their concern about my disturbing a cursed place. I can't say the place's curse didn't affect me at all. My creation got sealed by blood, when I stepped on a pair of rusty nails that pierced through my sole and attached me to a piece of wooden board. All because I had to rattle back to retake my very last shot just before leaving, after it turned out to be not recorded for some mysterious reasons.


As my major project at the MA Design course of UWE Bristol, I have created a montage trailer for Berengaria to be displayed via a simulated underground advertising medium, which I named Metrobe. It was based on the theory of stroboscopic animation and subliminal advertising.
It was exhibited at the PORTAL exhibition in 2016 and attracted about a hundred visitors. I managed to record some of them in action before the crowd grew too big making too busy.

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